Bonus Chapter
Centuria x Kagurabachi (by @Penkonjigna in twitter)
New previews from Tohru's twitter
Coloring i made from a page from the new chapter
Volume 3 Cover and back cover (HQ)
This is the painting that gave Tohru Kuramori the idea for the first chapter of Centuria. "The slave ship" by Joseph Mallord William Turner.
Centuria: Tohru Kuramori Interview
Can we call it New Generation Dark Trio?
some images of the process of chapter 4 that Tohru uploaded when it came out
volume 3 is getting a reprint! so Tohru made a new Lacrima illustration!
Does he knows?
looks like Tohru is already working on Volume 4, hope we get that Arkos cover this time
Do you really think Lukas is betraying Julian and gang
A quick question
APPARENTLY there has been an error with mangaplus, since in JUMP+ on the last page it shows that the release date of the next chapter is next week, so supposedly there is no break week.
now i can understand why Zira was reacting like that in chapter 27, she was devastated
What is your favorite sorceress?
Air Shakur from Uma Musume drawn by Tohru kuramori
Zira and Arkos
can we just get Julian pushing Lacrima off next chapter
Centuria is currently trending at number 10 on Japanese twitter
Lacrima's Actions
are we ready for the slander after this guys
[DISC] Centuria - Chapter 37