I guess this market is as bad as they say
iT’s So HaRd To sWiTch OfF dUrInG VaCaTiOn. 🙃While the hashtag is the epitome of LinkedInLunatics, the lack of rocket-ship emojis is very concerning.
Every CSM job posting has over 1,000 applicants?!
What career pays enough to support yourself?
The Never-Ending Loop of Managing an Unfinished Product as a CSM
I'm an introvert, do you guys think I should give it a shot at CS?
2025 and engine troubles?
Was visited last night.
oH nO i WaS CaUgHt WoRkInG oN vAcATiOn In ThIs ToTaLlY BeLieVabLe ScEnARiO! 🙃
Almost 90% Of Employers Won’t Hire New Graduates
Looking to buy Los Angeles.
What are the pros and cons of your job?
Just Joined
I just want to work when I want to work
I got rejected from a job in the most embarrassing way possible
Do you guys think they will offer me the job today?
Toyota says that the engine oil can be changed every 10,000 miles instead of 5,000 on newer rides. Will this cause engine issues down the road? I’ve always done it at 5,000. But why now 10,000?
How Much Autonomy Do You Have in Your CSM Role?
Do I hate audit or do I hate corporate life?
AFE tow hooks, thoughts?
I’ve been in the market for a 2018 to 2021 tundra but came upon this. Help convince me I shouldn’t pursue it.
800 mile round trip mpg 🫠
USA vs Europe in working lifestyle?
Fuck porn, let’s talk together down in the comments
What corporate field in LinkedIn is the worst lol.