Did you have an MRI guided biopsy after having an abnormal MRI? Or did they use the same MRI for the biopsy?
BAGGU + Miffy Score!
in search of miffy
Hope for a scared daughter after MRI results (spread to seminal vesicle)
Trip of a lifetime!!!
My best TJ-maxx find ever. Got them for $79.99 two months ago when they retailed for $280. They are my Michelin man boots, ridiculous looking but soooo warm
Bala bangles, which ones should I get?
Which Sign?✨
Feeling blessed! Picked up a Manduka mat for $20
Put your big three and let others comment your match!
Which sign behaves this way?
Bowala lounge 2.0?
Steps to redownload TikTok
comment your venus and moon
I can’t download literally any of my privated videos
Heard that this year is our year. Tell me it’s true
Proud result of a lifestyle change. 2020>2024
What moisturizer do you all use?
Vanicream breaks me out