Tips for removing and installing same fence post?
Paramount Plus Adult Promo for TV-G content?
In a mode like arena where removal is heavily limited, cards like Kil'Jaeden should be banned. I always concede the instant I see someone dropping it. There's no point when they start dropping 10/10s every single turn
Starcraft Mini set is fun and all, but it's gonna be bad for meta diversity in standard if left un-nerfed
So, do you think Kil'jaeden will be banned from Arena soon?
Is freeze bugged?
List of champs without a mythic skin
So Many Inters
Zerg Question from a Zerg Hater (Plz Nerf)
wheel of death op?
What tilts you the most in this game?
Question: Cull?
What sould i go first item Sunfire or Iceborn Gauntlet and when is ok to take graps over comet ?
Fun Long Game
Item Discussion
dealing with tanks as ryze
I finally pulled off the R tower dive
What happened to Super Soakers?
Is it possible to have the riot singed nowadays or is it just impossible?
Adagio - Fame
So I started maining sejuani top this season, here's how it went
Based Mundo DPS is Based
Best skin?