Kind of disappointed with Black 2's plot, after Black's AMAZING one
What are you guys think are some of the more forgettable named Human characters in the games?
What are your hopes for Taylor Swift (Taylor’s Version)?
Do you hate AI?
Do you believe in God?
What’s your favourite “bad”Pokémon, and why?
Black and White 2 Game Sync
The Hunger Games Trilogy Rebind
Reels that trigger photosensitive users??
Should I crush up nerds and snort it?
Help with nail glue
my painting of the speak now (og) cover
Fullroid not running my game
Guys, what do you get when you add "-s" to the English archaic second person plural pronoun?
If Zoe Nightshade survived in TTC (Book 3), what would she be doing? [pjo]
Do you listen to Random Taylor Spotify?
Say "no" without saying "no"
1989 outfits by me
Do you know how to say no?
this sentence is a lie
[pjo] What's going on with Artemis in this picture?
Suck on that mayfair.
why kali linux?