Unsolvable puzzle? The cartridge is too big for my DSi???
In light of recent events
All Megas revealed so far in ZA!
Lf offers
Lf: description. Ft: picture.
[Gen 3] Finally joined the Shiny Mew club at ~7k RAs (featuring a pink Kyogre)
Certified Dynamax Hater
Would anyone be willing to touch trade a cramorant from pokemon scarlet for me?
FT: pics LF: hopefully something shiny I like
LF in description. FT pictures.
[Gen 2] Started in 2018, its finally over
FT: pic LF: offers, shiny cresselia
Trying to complete a shiny living dex FT: Pictured below LF: Offers (Check comments for living dex progress)
all pokemon are shiny LF:offers/other shinys
FT: pic, all go stamped except lucario (self caught) LF: offers, shiny legends/mythicals in description
LF: Offers
Is $12,000 per month enough to consider it a living wage? Can we finally stop pretending that servers are poor?
Rec: Movies where the characters go to hell, and it's a unique take on hell instead of just fire and demons?
LF Home Touch Trades for PLA Cranidos, Sheildon and Bastidon
Lf touch trade PLA Sheildon
Pro-Trump & MAGA restaurants to avoid
A guy administers a fatal beatdown to defend his lady’s honor. He spends some time in prison, then has to fend off various traveling criminals trying to kill him. At the end he reunites with his lady & gives his kid a stuffed animal.
Lf Offers Ft see pictures
[Home] [ft] pic, all legit extras caught by me [lf] offers, 3:1 if shiny legendary