Look at this BBB, can't even lift without breaking his pathetic arms at the elbow
Just a normal guy lifting
Help! My 10 yr olds 10 yr old stuffy. His name is Dookie and we’re both scared we’re gonna lose him.
what type of cactus?
Sponge noodle 🧽
Snake drinking water
My random assortment of plugs collection 💖
Do you find this hobby also therapeutic?
What's the most interesting Cactus/Cacti in your collection?
addy are we ok? (day 5)
I say we report the ADL to the ADL
Old lady is not a fan of the super cold weather.
Throwback to a couple of years ago when my gf left my cactus outside during a freeze
Rust fungus underneath graft, treat it or let it ride it out?
Has anyone heard about stressing the cac before use? How do I proceed??
16 g. And so, it begins…
From invader to my newest home addition.
Is that San Pedro? San Pedro for scale.
Is that San Pedro?
Not the usual angle for this sub 🫣
How long will it take to achieve this piercing and stretching?
Seller and cac looked suspicious, so I asked both to give a thumb check. Thoughts?
Can I eat Mr. Hanky after a ceremony for a re-up?
When you have a loot of 97% alcohol etilic denaturated (hand Desinfektion) but not a loot of EaAc( for Cielo). How i can put full spectrum out?
Few more Pictures of Freckles
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder🤪
The nitrogen cycle of aquariums