Is it common for native speakers to use subtitles for English media?
Aside from “The Jungle” in the US, are there any other world literature that helped enact child labor laws?
A Letter From the King
Ok, who was the Monarch when you were born?
Ok who was president when you were born?
As someone who watched the lotr trilogy for the first time ever and absolutely loved it , should I consider watching the RINGS OF POWER webseries?
Why did Convenant residents suddenly attack me when I came back to them after helping honest Dan and release that girl who's the daughter of the mayor or sum ig???
Need advice for my girlfriend
Am I in shit? I did something stupid (but not that bad.)
Why Is Narsil So Important In The Lore?
Tolkien’s wraith world
We were ROBBED with the whole indirect speech thing
I think I may have fucked up my ties with the Railroad, any way to salvage it?
My window above my bed of a studio apartment blew out in a storm, landlord isnt fixing it and is demanding a large sum of money I’m based in England.
Translation for this tattoo, please
Plan trip 5 days to London. Advices
Safety and traveling ?
How would ordering at a cafe go during the 1810s?
How many times do brits have a full English breakfast a year?
What would you do if you were walking by and saw a woman standing outside of a house crying and asking to be let in?
What is maternity leave like in Lothlorien?
First time playing. Mods?
Is it bad to go out of your way exploring a lot in the early game before leveling up a lot?
How tf is this 15 year old game THIS immersive?! (Even compared to Fallout?)
AITA if I tell my best friend she should celebrate with me since I recently got into grad school instead of seeing her boyfriend for the 6th day in a row?
What to wear in April