what is up with my ears😭
brown eyed dan
danny, kurtis AND drew back to back line up i might actually start crying tears of joy
is this opening to small for my robo? finger for reference
Does anyone else notice Danny’s teeth?
I just vacuum and mopped for the 3rd day in a row and there is still grey stuff on my socks when I walk. Socks were completely white! Why?
rip alternator
Unpopular opinion: If you buy a Betta from a big box store, you’re not “rescuing” it.
Piercing pillow help!
finally at 0g!!
guys i realised something that will change your thoughts about danny
mod suggestions for bad computer
mike has recently started bar climbing
What does my art SMELL like?
Can someone give me feedback on this bathroom?
Why is my naked lobe wrinkly?
Dannyxkuris combined, hope u love it😋
Do Mice Bite??
Tried telling my friend to leave the shop. Was I wrong?
bin cages?
How is my hamster enclosure?
name suggestions (unserious)
I just started stretching today! 🥳
Guys.. I'm scared.