Decentralized way to swap ETH BTC
RoP but only Sauron scenes
Any recommend liquidity pool analytics tools such as 24 hrs fees, pnl, etc
Where would you rather live, Essos or Westeros? Which of the two continent have better living conditions, from the environment, the culture, overall sense of better place to live?
Gros gain en capital et impôts (étudiant)
A 2 week recap of V3 on ARB
Grille du TAL - Travaux
[No spoilers] You are Odin/God and will spare 5 of them. The rest are going do die,Who do you SAVE?
Le TAL recommande une hausse moyenne de 4% des loyers
Pensez-vous que la situation en Mer Rouge va mener à un nouveau choc dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement (i.e. inflation i.e. les taux vont rester hauts plus longtemps?)
Crypto software that finds passwords to old crypto wallets scam ?
Business Products storage
Les chars sont rendus trop chers, que pensez-vous des vélos électriques, surtout l'hiver?
For those earning less than 100k, what is your age, salary, and career/job title?
Bitcoin pricing in Satoshi strategy
Why the price of Bitcoin will decline from here on and forever
This is why bitcoin is insanely undervalued
E-Rupee the indian CBDC is live.
Bitcoin as a "Savings Account"
Overall has Crypto improved your life?
How (where) are you holding your BTC?
What cryptocurrencies do you hold that aren't BTC, ETH or from reddit and why?
Is worth buying a hardware wallet?
Will there be a way to exit without selling to fiat