Just wanted to tell you something.
Guys what happened
Dream of this for some reason
I dreamed that Sanrio uploaded this Horrible quality image on my melo's 50th birthday
Glubo:the game! Only on the dogolo!
the Achievement daredavil cant i get.
Can you spell out what sound this makes?
I saw a stock image that looked like this in my dream and was disappointed when I woke up and found out it wasn't real
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If you could make any monster disappear what would it be?
Genetically modified snowman invades summer [Health:6500]
Story Time with the Great Wizard [D,P,W] [Health:1710]
I had a dream that there was a viral channel on YouTube called “THOMAS” and the only thing he uploaded were short videos of a single light switch with him saying “LeBron Jaaaaames…” in the background as if he was calling him
This just appeared on my game /s
had a dream this was my flair
You’re being chased by this bear, your last emoji is your reaction
Started getting micro sleeps and saw this.
I had a dream where people would reply "Nipple Man" on random posts like Anti Spiral
Saw this in a dream dunno what it means
I had a dream Pixar made a R rated sequel to Turning Red. It bombed so bad they pulled it and released a new cut so clean it was rated GG.
saw this while dozing off on call with my gf
had a dream where north korea showed up as the USA on google maps
I dreamed that Coca Cola got rebranded to Baka Cola