V.V scared to post this so please go easy on my hormonal brain.
UK and europe advertising/general information
What is one thing you spend money on that others would consider frivolous?
How much did you spend on your big europe trip?
Weekend Surcharge!?!
do you have sex in your personal life?
What's the most boring suburb in Melbourne
Rebranding: When to do it and is it worth it?
Would you pay more tax?
It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Friday 07/04/2023]
Without going into too much detail, what's a company in Melbourne you wouldn't recommend anyone work at?
New road safety cameras introduced from today
Satin push up bras and matching sets
To pay off HECs in lump sum or not? Sole trader.
What are the market forces that could lower median rent again? or is this the new bench mark going forward?
Should Melbourne Ban / Tax / Restrict airbnb?
positions for a straight mmf (i’m the f)
can’t edit the footer
How often do you see politicians out and about doing normal things?
Clients: What would you read in an escorts bio/about me that would make you insta book?
What are these? light wells? photo taken near Lt Collins & William
advice when rented house turns into brothel?
Has your rent increased? By how much?
Should I help pay for my partners mortgage?
Got $100k Spare