Never-ending tinnitus for over 30 years.
What can you never truly understand until you have experienced it?
Buddhism novice with question Original Mind
Should I be worried about placing a w2t order today?
Who is a local Louisville employee from a grocery store, bar, restaurant, etc that you think just does an awesome job?
Is meditating to ambient music cheating
How is the noble eightfold path supposed to lead to the cessation of suffering?
I am coming back around to ET!
I want to watch all of CK’s stuff! I want access to it all the time.
Why does repeating a mantra help with reaching enlightenment?
Panic tea purchase before start of tariffs - I probably overreacted
Am I the only one who does this ?
Looking for soft/spiritual/loving/lighthearted movie and show recommendations
I'm afraid of forgetting something important or oversleeping if I'm constantly in the now
My girl begs (screams) for the outdoors. This is our compromise.
A book that's very easy to read, but for adults (ane not inappropriate) and one you can't put down?
Date night recommendations
My kid is now reading almost a book a day, can you nice folks recommend some good reading for a 10yr old?
My 24th birthday is coming up next month… would it be wrong to ask for more stuffed animals?
Purchase advice
How do I stop him from spilling his water bowl?
HUGE disappointment (I’m mad)
Is the need for creative expression „against“ Buddhist philosophy?
My ‘Skog says hello!