Is it common courtesy to ask if someone is sitting at a table before taking their seat in a food court?
I thought I was ordering two bundles of sprouts, not singular units. Now I have brussel balls.
What’s a sign that someone is really intelligent, even if they don’t show it?
How can life be lived without Google?
What is a simple decision you made that completely changed your life?
Breakfast Burrito
Hypocrisy and Lying (21M) (21F)
Emo night alone at Sneaky's?
we pay we say 😂
Jagex, you have just fucked up and done irreparable damage.
Everyone should see this for themselves: price options Jagex wants you to consider
Sunset hour and Lola? Perfection.
Did I set up the baby equipment/furniture for the cat? Yes
Floof appreciation post
If you had to sum it up in your own words, what is your lore?
Failed my first g2 drive test
What’s a weird human food that your cat absolutely loves?
Reading order? See caption.
LOTR reading order?
The donut of shame (Poppy got spayed)
at what age did YOU notice you're not normal
Women of Reddit - what is the most ridiculous reason a man has cancelled a date with you?
What's the best way to get cat piss stains out of hardwood flooring?