GAME: Where would you live in Fromville after S2? The LOCATION/POST with the most upvotes is the SAFE HAVEN, everyone else gets picked off by Smiley if they don’t relocate 😊)
Can they canonize “Fromville”
My mom just showed up at my door after I ran away two years ago and went NC AMA
[REQ] ($300) (Repay $375 2.5.25) (Houston, TX) (Paypal)
I just dropped $69k on 1DTE $TSLA $415 calls, Model Y refresh goes on sale in the US tonight!
Lord will and continue to be less and less meaningful
[REQ] ($500) (Repay $650 2.5.25) (Houston, Tx) (Paypal)
DJT Puts - 10x-20x opportunity
After 124 games of solo queuing as a strategist from Bronze 3…
Wash your hands!!!
spring tuition payment
High level Spider-man mains
Somehow blasted through plat to diamond in one sitting without losing once
I'm So confused lol, why does the one I buy go worthless while all the rest go up???
Difficulty Inaccuracies
Constantly blinded by Tesla headlights, WTF
What’s something that’s only good once ?
What's your most profitable side hustle?
how did diane attract so many celebs?
Trying to Get fights is so frustrating.
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, October 21, 2024
Yajirobe needs a nerf, no I’m not kidding
Tell Bandai Namco we want Crossplay!!!
Can someone explain How the hell do clashes work