Are there any couples here who broke up in their 20s and then got back together in their 30s?
I’m always worried about the future.
My boyfriend asked me to stop wearing so much makeup… and I don't know what to think
New father couldn't afford OTC medication, could I have paid for him?
Is living alone a short term goal and intend to live with someone later on?
I keep pondering on what if I F24 gave my crush a chance M25
I hate it, why does it look so dead?
I stay wondering what if
Why is our profession such a scam?
Which Nespresso machine did you get and why? I want one!
Am I doing this right?
How are we all spending our childfree Valentine’s day this year?
who else will be alone on V day?
not leaving the apartment
Should I buy or budget?
What’s one thing you wish you knew before living alone?
How do you keep your homes clean?
recipes with the altissimo pod?
How long does it take you to go through a pack of pods?
is it normal to let yourself go when you get in a relationship?
I blocked my ex
Embarrassing Laser question about underarms
Devastated, this is ruining my self confidence
Using tret 0,025 gel/ what else should i look into?
Is tretinoin worth it?