Successful founders with severe ADHD: I will not promote
Looking for inspiration: successful founders with severe ADHD (I will not promote)
Three early stage founders locked in a room and need your help
Why bother when there are absurd message limits?
Alternative to Claude with multiple models?
Poe alternative with access Claude AI
Claude Alternatives
Best Claude Ai Alternative
Claude Alternative for Coding?
In light of the recent JLLM issues, I've seen people asking about if OpenAI is worth it. As someone whose used many APIs including claude and openAI, I wanted to give my experiences to people that may be looking for alternate APIs
Searching for the Ultimate AI: Claude Alternatives?
Alternatives to ChatGPT with muti-model access
There should be a search feature to search your existing chats
officially quitting poe, this app is just money hungry and bad now!!!
I Think I will resubscribe for another year
Alternatives to Poe?
Am I the only frustrated by the lineup update?
Do we need a co-founder or an employee?
YC’s Hidden Formula: 100 Users, $100/Month, $10k MRR – The Startup Playbook
Work at FAANG or startup to get into YC?
What is your open source contribution rating?
What is your open source h-index?
What's the best AI tool for studying medicine?
Is it possible to go from 45k to 120k in monthly traffic in 2-3 months?