I just lost both ovaries in a freak medical emergency
I wish my homies wouldn't diss my girl
why can't we tickle ourselves yet we can masturbate
I accidentally...finished...just from him kissing my neck and I've never been more embarrassed
I'm not hearing you out (context in comments)
Church leader follows teen girl into bathroom to tell her she's "too fat" for shorts
My school effectively banned phones so Im protesting
I think this sub is more appropriate for this question
Its red for sure
80 years apart.
[ Removed by Reddit ]
The clouds today in Montreal
Woman in Germany harassed for not wearing a hijab
Are there really girls who would prefer a shorter guy over a tall guy? Not like they are ok if he is short, actual preference is shorter guy ? If there is what is the percentage in the female population ? Is it rare or commen ?
Guess my name/sexuality :3
Guy loaded cheese in chocolate fountain machine
Working on my first Picrew! What are some details you'd like to see that are missed out on in others?
Conservative women are more attractive than left-wing women
Are all men *really* attracted to teenage girls...?
What if a mall santa gets a boner?
How do some of you go so long without being diagnosed?
What crazily overplayed classical piece do you still enjoy? Which one couldn't you stand the first time you heard it?
Mom to schizophrenic teen. Desperate to learn.
What is your go to piece when you are going through a hard period?
Based on an (unfortunately) true story
I bled the first time because I'm growing up and again when he made me his 'special girl'.