5 favorite video game protagonists and 5 favorite video game antagonists?
Igre koje ste si kupili ali su ispale razočaravajuće?
Characters that you hate with a passion?
Games Where you can play a pacifist character (note: not just a no-kil run)
If you could name a movie that represents the kind of love you want in real life, what would it be?
What main game character can't be considered as a good guy?
[KCD1] Been wanting this for a few years, and with the excitement of KCD2, it was high time. JCBP
What game are you thinking about when you see this splash screen?
Romance in games
Games similar to The Witcher 3
Okay here it is, what are your top 5 games of all time?
Shows that respectfully tackle taboo subjects such as depression, suicide, rape, trauma, self harm, anxiety, etc, etc…
Wild Hunt is one of the toughest bosses I've even faced in video games.
Game suggestion
What actors/actresses make you not want watch a movie if they're in it?
What’s the best DLC in gaming history?
Suggest me a book with lots and lots of neighbourhood drama
What do you think of silent protagonists?
Short RPG games
Games you wanted to like but unfortunately you just couldn't bring yourself to finish/continue after awhile?
What's the best recommendation for a game you ever got?
RPG that you hated at first but gave it another chance and you loved it
What is the greatest E3 trailer you have ever seen?
Suggest some intense movies
Any fast paced shows??