Today is my fortieth birthday and my mother hasn’t called me yet. My autistic son is in bed whilst I eat a plain omelette and some baked beans
Hey guys. Can you say happy birthday for me
How do I break up without hurting her?
Birthday alone, friends don't remember
Realistically, how long does it take kumpulin 500jt dari 0?
Religion of peace 🤩❤️🥹🤲
M42 recently divorced (I got to keep the dog)
A poor girl wearing a niqab...
Wow islam is so beautiful it reduced it to four 🥰
Hijab ban for girls in Austria
We said "I love you" for the first time tonight
What has this man got down his pants?
Help me name my cat, something unconventional and weird like google
Am I (19F) Overreacting of BF (20M) wants to watch porn?
Suggest a name for him
I think my girlfriend is going to break up with me tomorrow
I forgot to reply his message and it's been 5 days
Ramadan is coming 😄😭
He said he does not wanna marry me.
What does my brother’s fridge say about him?
Boyfriend told me I’m a chubby little chipmunk :(
And this is where I stop responding.
My very awful meals after liver surgery 0/10
Never kill the inner child