A cool guides Famous Pirates Flags
American Bald Eagle vs. Australian Wedge Tail Eagle
Christmas beatles
What is denied by many people but it is actually 100% real?
Am I the Asshole for Inadvertently Making My Dog Instagram Famous?
Jealous parents
Wife thinks I'm always wanting to leave to go be with other women. Thats absolutely not the case.
Kids “collecting” CD’s now?
Lunch Time! Cutest plate ever. Thank you, Hallmark!
Outfit inspo
Best satirical bands?
Decline of instrumental music
Selena Gomez Or Taylor Swift Which One Are You More Like?
Do I have to do all the "Mad Max" movies ?
Radioland Murders 1994, how the heck did I miss this one?
What popular actor/actress do you feel hasn't been in a good movie?
Cant wait for this one because i know itll start shit 🤷♀️
TIFU by mixing up my meds
TIFU by eating undercooked red kidney beans
AITA for Declaring War on My Roommate's Sock Army?
AITAH for declining to be part of the wedding party?
WIBTA if I downloaded Hinge behind my GF’s back?
Aitah for wanting to move out at 17 because I don't want to raise my mothers baby?