Redditor on pro-manifestation subreddit tries to manifest 10 bitcoins , seemingly expecting them to fall from the sky.
Enjoy a bowl of wordsalad( post from a pro- manifestation subreddit
So people with lupus, arthritis, cancer or other medical conditions brought their ill health upon themselves because of assumptions they made??? Talk about a major lack of compassion and miguided takes!
This instagram post advocates for old testament laws to be in effect in the present day
This was a response on Quora to a question relating to manifestation and babies with cancer.
For the low, low price of 1K USD, This musicisn will make you a custom made manifestation music album that will help you manifest more effectively
Here is some seed faith codswallop from Kenneth Copeland
Apparently, God likes the number 58(seed faith rubbish)( seed faith is closely related to the properity gospel, which in turn has many similarities to LOA
Apparently, God likes the number 58(seed faith rubbish)
Here is a video of Mike Murdock asking people for money by using the prosperity gospel. He has the audacity to request a $1000 “seed”from his viewers (see text at bottom of screen). It is a lot of money for most people. LOA & the prosperity gospel have a lot of similarities
Here is a video of Mike Murdock asking people for money by using the prosperity gospel. He has the audacity to request a $1000 “seed”from his viewers (see text at bottom of screen). It is a lot of money for most people.
Prophetess Shanique Beckfork shared the alleged signs of being affected by witchcraft on threads. A good percentage of the things on the list are basically common negative emotions or feelings that people have.
Jesse Leon Rogers Brags That Christian Nationalists 'Will Determine Who Gets Into Public Office( article from right wing watch)
Redditor credits manifestation for the leveling up of their life. Freya forbid that they acknowledge the role luck, their own efforts, and outside factors played into it.
Here’s a list of delulu LOA affirmations
This graphic is from the website of a company called Coach Foundation, which teaches coaches who coach other coaches how to have a successful coaching biz. In the graphic, two of the items are things that can be done w.o LOA.
So people in DV situations attracted their cruel partner? The victim-blaming is stong with this one
Progressive group flags state legislation as Christian nationalist
Christian Nationalists Are Swooning Over JD Vance’s Remarks on Fox News
Want to learn about how to do a deliverance? There’s a book for that
Promo for an event led by a self styled prophetess, that happened recently
This instagram caption has a sales funnel, likely for an LOA coach. Apparently, there is a super special technique to manifest money.
I know bupkis about starting or running a business but I even I am aware that hiring a manifesting coach for a startup is a waste of money that could be better spent on other things.
Person on Threads is mixing Christianity with the Law of attraction.