Do any of you cuts yourselves because you have a lot of built up anger, but you can’t really let it out, so you take it out on yourself?
Do styros scar permanently or do they go away after
What were your guys parents reaction to u self harming
I feel uncomfortable around my mom
Please, does anyone just wanna talk for a few mins please
I need answers
My parents know I cut, at least 3 days ago they took my knife but haven't said a word about it
its my birthday today
Do you switch your blades to new ones when they get blunt?
Any songs about sh?
what's y'all meaning of life?
Does anyone else SH out of anger
I want to talk to someone
His name shall be cat.
Why did you guys start to self harm?
How to stop the urge
so used to it, it doesn't hurt :(
What song do you guys harm too?
I don't know what to do anymore everything's just getting worse
How to make myself bleed