Michael and Jan seem to be playing their own separate game, and it's called, "Let's see how uncomfortable we can make our guests."
Why didn’t anyone stand up to these rubes?
"I am the toilet of this office."
Find out what language this is.
You have $15 to start a paper company. Pick one from each category.
Anyone else notice this…
I wonder what Jan's thinking?
Make this comment section look like this character's search history
What would you honestly do in this situation?
The Superfan episodes have so many deleted the scenes that are exceedingly sweet and i wish were in the show.
What cigar just has that right amount of fill for you?
Did Angela leave Andy bobbing around helpless in the lake because she knew the camera crew was around making sure he didn't drown? Or was she really that cold-hearted?
Ohhh Deeeeee!!
“Sorry this must be uncomfortable for you…”
Team Erin and Andy or Erin and Pete?
So who actually broke wind?
I know we already hate Charles but damn he was WAY out of pocket here
if you’re quick to establish a pee corner, your mind is free to worry about other things- like survival…. or stealing an industrial copier.
How This Scene Should’ve Gone.
Even though this scene was really funny, this was really mean by Stanley.
Why Did The Writers Break Up Andy and Erin?
Obviously it's Toby's hand on pam's legs
This scene drives me nuts because what happened to the coffee mugs🥴😫☕️