Looking for residencies that function as an artist residency and a gallery?
Most important critical readings for contemporary sculpture? (Selecting readings for college level sculpture class)
How to do email introduction for artist to exhibition venue?
Art blogs with open submissions for exhibition reviews?
How to stiffen fabric into hollow sculpture? (Asking for my student)
Instagram accounts featuring contemporary art exhibitions with open submissions?
Adjunct professor looking for advice about getting pregnant during semester?
How to list video screenings on CV?
Looking for ideas for first day activities for college art class?
First day activities for college art class?
How do you list on a CV a solo exhibition that traveled to multiple galleries over multiple years?
Unusual materials to use for casting
What is the typical age to land a full time professor position?
Fiancé wants us to move in with his parents because father is ailing
Someone put their junk in my storage unit, can I pitch their junk?
Realized that there is a huge crack in my windshield after driving all the way to New York today… do I need to turn around and go home? Can you get points on your license for this in NY?
What is the treatment for being constipated and having blood after passing stool ?
Blood after passing stool while constipation—- what is a good treatment?
Movies you hate, but everyone loves?
VCU connections in the past and current members of the band?
Do one time payments affect income based repayment plans?
Married Women artists- did you change your last name when you got married?
Seeking examples of artists who transform their identity?
Applying to residencies that would occur at the same time period?
Looking for printmakers who use found objects for stamping