I need help picking some books to get introduced
what highschool courses do i need?
help choosing my courses!!
just got my 2nd quarter grades back am i cooked
what are you known for among your classmates?
Idk how to do it anymore
How much homework do you have in a day?
What's the meaning of your name?
Is 18 and 16 weird?
how many you eatin before giving up
Negative Karma is very unfair in my opinion
How tall are YOU?
Would you be friends with me based off these pictures?
Should I get a haircut? Be honest and roast me if you have to.
photo dump
Bug eggs on a chilli..
I have a confession
Do we mess with my music taste
Got my girlfriend a humidifier for Christmas. This was her room when we woke up.
am i ugly?
blonde or black (dun worry im not gonna ask the annoying ass stupid trend question)
Should i stay friends?
Question for the people that have spotify premium