What does your soul feel when you hear the song "Gangnam Style"?
What are some potential red flags in women which young/inexperienced men tend to foolishly ignore? What advice would you give to your son regarding this?
Atul subhash's case highlights how easy it is to hijack a narrative
Younger men of Reddit, how are you different (or similar) from the older men in your life?
To all those people who say "All men are XYZ", or "All women are ABC", do you feel the same about your own loved ones and family members?
What's a constantly parroted opinion on r/AskMen that you heavily disagree with?
What is a common misunderstanding that people have about your political/social/religious views and beliefs?
Liberal winners vs. Conservative winners
What is a something that is said to be done only by women, but actually in reality, even men also do it?
Men of Reddit, do you think your mother will treat your future wife fairly? (And vice-versa)?
Danciest song?
What’s an insult that sounds like a compliment?
Why are people so bothered by Sonakshis wedding? Why can’t people just live and let live ?
What professions you wouldn't date? Why?
What singer do y'all hate the most?
How would you describe your sense of humor?
If an opposite-sex version of you existed in a parallel universe, what advice would you give to that person?
What is a word that you always misspell?
What would you like to change in the reddit?
Which is the sexiest Interpol lyric(s) ever?
What's a popular view held by a majority of women on Reddit, which you would respectfully disagree with?
Liberals of this sub, what is your most conservative position? Conservatives of this sub, what is your most liberal position?
How would you describe your sense or style of humour?
WHAT happens if India introduces 🔫 rights.
Money making music?