how it feels to use MOS terminology in IRL conversations with ppl who don't know the meaning
me when the cut isn't deep enough (i now have to make 10 more or i will see myself as fake and invalid and feel even worse than initially)
Anonette loves her sweet nothings :)
everything makes me think of MOS
do yall enjoy the feeling of obsession or hate it?
Whats your favorite snack + monster combo?
Strange Low Pitched Hums At Night??
I like my socks grippy cuh 🥶
[Megathread] New admissions and transfer questions - Post here!
The German Government in Exile, or "Black Germany", 1958 (Dieselpunk Europe Part 3).
The day after an overdose always feels so weird
What if the gay rights movement in the US was armed instead of peaceful?
anon's gf has some messed up kinks
hoi4 trannies,,,
Astrovials Canada
Burgerpunk: what if fast food became much much bigger?
Basic makeup items to look slightly more feminine (MTF)?
Coaxed into the trans subreddit experience
Well that “short” visit to the A&E psych dept was fucking unless and has just made me feel even more suicidal
I wish all matter to instantly revert to the condition it was on January 1st 2016, including people’s ages, with the only exception being me retaining all my memories of events and actions this current day.
What if COVID-19 was a virus that changed your biological sex?
REHEATED PASTA PART 1: The Legacy of Jeff Woods
A trolley is barreling towards you. You cannot do anything.