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Official Arwibon/Lovlivi/rdwhel GT08 Scooter Support Thread - Information / P settings / Feedback
2025 - Middle Schooler Spray Paints a Swastika on a Mirror After Kanye West's Recent X Meltdown
Just finished Citizen Sleeper 2! Some general thoughts (No actual spoilers but tagged for safety).
Unnecessary Hate
Didn’t bro only make like 2 games?
I get the zip line hype now
How to Start Order 38
New to Scooters
New to Death Stranding
PAX SHIFT Code That Unlocks 50 Golden Keys In Every Game Including 10 Diamond Keys in BL3!
Is Trump just tired or this is a sign of cognitive decline?
Using Blueprints
From a pro trump parade in Florida…..
What would be your reaction?
Getting asked a lot about this.
Well Well Well
Odd request, but what song comes to mind?
Calls for J.D. Vance to resign after he admits that he created pet-eating story about immigrants
US Men aged 18-24 identify more conservative than men in the 24-29 age bracket according to Harvard Youth poll
Why can’t I destroy this statue
Goodbye Atlas Fallen
Map issues