Joined the converse cult!
Happy Sunday all!
Had to....
Watermelon kicks for soccer Saturday
What is this outfit missing??
Another Coupon :)
Blue fire.
Holy smokes
So Comfy
First pair !! They’re beautiful I’m so excited to wear them everywhere 🍓♥️
Vintage Orange Chucks high tops from the 1980s
Updated collection
First converse pair ever
Just bought, more purples
My very 1st Converse
Welcoming spring with new Chucks 🌺🩵
got my first pair for $6, looking for info on them
Candy Grape
Did they nerf level 891?
New shoes with Leather pants.
$50 off $125 Coupon
If this is wrong, I don't wanna be right
New pairs!
Black hi top leathers made in U S.A. in mint condition...unfortunately not my size,but pretty rare :)