Buy European
Au inceput salariile din alte domenii sa fie comparabile cu cele din pozitiile de programare?
I want to buy your indie games and play them on YouTube.
Ce fel de pieton esti atunci cand traversezi?
Stie cineva unde pot gasi meme-ul ala cu “mațe sânge…”
Sperm race and consciousness
Cum se denumeste aceasta creatura la voi in limba? Doar raspunsuri oneste
Ce lucruri cumpărate v-au îmbunătățit semnificativ calitatea vieții?
Easiest legend climb of my life with Ogres (Druid)
Azi am publicat prima mea carte, un roman Sci Fi/Fantasy la o editura din RO. AMA
Ce este cu acest spațiu liber din apropierea Bibliotecii naționale?
Drept de vot doar pentru cei care au bacalaureatul.
10 Things I Learnt About Game Dev In 24 Hours.
Why were jews expelled from many countries?
What are your Dream Game Ideas that are Impossible to make?
I’ve been making games for 7 years and all my games still look horrid. Tips welcome
This looks dangerous
Does gaming skill important for game designer?
Reached 10k MMR while never playing a summon/deathrattle comp, AMA
Which 1 single card are you looking forward the most to be gone
What game design philosophies have been forgotten?
Edibles suck and are the worst way to consume weed
Știe cineva cum pot obține lego ieftin?
If you had to learn proficient SQL in a week how would you do it?