Ballot count differences in the closest ridings as today's final tally progresses (updated throughout the day)
[Richard Zussman] The BC NDP lead by 14 votes in Surrey-Guildford, flipping the seat the Conservatives led after the initial count. Special and absentee ballots are still being counted. If this holds the NDP will form a majority government
Absentee ballot count could settle B.C.'s election, 9 days after vote
MEGATHREAD: BC Provincial Election Day!
Losing spots
Vancouver approves bylaw amendments to bring wine sales to grocery stores
Latest 338Canada BC Projection - BC NDP: 71, BC United: 11, BC Greens: 3, BC Conservatives: 2
Metro Vancouver proposes changing water, sewage, and parkland infrastructure development fees from being balanced between existing residents and new developments to new developments paying 99% of costs
Some more details on council's upcoming "Missing Middle" proposal and hearing
I've seen some discussion on here recently around pet restrictions in rentals. I wrote a letter to a few politicians on the subject last month, and I wanted to share the Executive Director of the RTB's response.
B.C. mulling provincial regulations on short-term rental apps like Airbnb