let me rate your OCs!!! :D
just do it
let me recreate your OCs in my style :>
Give Me an Album That You Believe Is Perfect
Give me your oc code and…
rating ur ocs >u<
How would Aster, my most innocent and purest oc rate/interact with yours?
Would she be your Oc’s friend?
I’m out of memes I need some
Assume things about my OC!!
How would my OC reacts to yours?
does my oc look like me irl?
What’s their name
Whats your favorite song?
Show me a meme
does anyone relate to this or is it just me??😭😭
Please more slam give me slam albums recs please
The most upvoted comment decide what I should doodle next. Day 30
if u see this type H
Who is this(wrong answers only)
Alright chat what’s your last saved pic And DONT cheat
Name a song
Type "i like" and let your keyboard continue it
Show me a meme, ANY meme
All I’ve ever wanted was to be a drawing.