Max level players are something else…
A fairly easy 1000G
My boss gave me a file and said there's problems with it, fix it.
First attempt at saving seeds of a fruit/veg. Why are some of the seeds discolored?
Mexico Import Tax on More Than (1) Laptop
To go camping
Farmer blasts camper in slurry after catching him sleeping in a tent on his land
Are dating apps even worth it anymore as a female who doesn’t just want to sleep around? 25f
7th Group
Awful! he was availing himself of a legitimate program provided by Wilfrid Laurier University
Someone over in the goldfish sub said my fishtank looked "hideous" with all the plants and the "overgrown bush overtaking the top" can people who actually appreciate plants weigh in? Does it look that bad?
Teammate’s sacrifice
How can I save this giant fiddle leaf fig I found in a dumpster? Is it even possible?
"A video game can't be that terrifying"
In case this helps break the silence…
When you can hear your co-op opponents comms...
You'll be awarded $300k if you can finish the main story of a game on normal difficulty but lose $100k each time you die. You also enter the game and play as the hero(es). Which ones would you choose?
Gamepass players, thank you for this moment 😂
Getting absolutely wrecked
I decided to make a 2023 [COD] Campaign tier list out of boredom, I think it's perfect, any changes would ya'll make to this list?
[Question] What album inspired you to play guitar?
What happen to all street smokers in the city?
What’s a game that you love that you will never 100%
Prepare your ears for some bangers.
Losing this gunfight 🫠