How long does Allo usually take before you are considered "stable"?
New pup advice
When does the pain start to go away?
UA increase 2months into Allo
Running and sciatica
Soreness after attack
Stages of Sciatica
Apprehensive about allo
Exercise during flare ups?
I cant seem to open ports 443 or 80
Diagnosed with gout but never had a flare up.
Stopping daily colchicine?
Any advice for a first timer
Gout and saunas
Advice for relief
How hard is it to get on gout meds
When you missed Allopurinol for a day or two did you get a flareup a day or two later?
Live/neutral colours behind dash t5
Urate Crystal Breaking Down
Staring Allo during an attack
Started on allo, colchicine safe daily?
Flare ups still
Blood Test
Result from Doctor - Gout