tried to quit purging, but now i look swollen. HELP!!
Tip credit question
Have you ever been accused of being a drug addict?
What age are you still struggling at ?
I don’t know how I used to do this, I guess it’s a good thing that I can’t do it anymore but I feel so fake.
What do you think about the color coordination? Is it too try-hard?
Confused about my satiety and normal apetite suddenly
Day 5 no Purge
Day 2 no pruging
I got caught
being bulimic in this economy is a real roller coaster
how did you know you hit rock bottom?
14 year old cousin basically caught me purging
Help please
what’s your weirdest fear food?
random ED behaviors i'm wondering if anyone else can relate to
epic highs n lows
Can you feel your body expand?
101 days free
i need help
DAE feel like a hedonist
masks n puffy cheek
So Desperate for a binge
things are bad bestie babes