the hate for tyler, the creator’s verse needs to be studied
Trust me guys, this was all part of the plan.
Look at this goober
He’s so proud
Some of RT's videos were used to train AI.
UV light makes Captain Falcon have one of his alt colors
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Ok can someone explain the Magicband+? These things appear to be pointless. And I rarely say anything negative about Disney because it’s become so popular to do so.
Nothing like a rare catch before bed.
I feel like this has been asked before, but what are some bad habits/muscle memory that you can't seem to shake in-game?
It's very likely that one of the 7 25th anniversary announcements is persona 6. So what is your wishlist for the game?
I call upon all of you, now...
Some (probably) useless Persona trivia
best pogo spots in illinois?
Strive OST?
Nintendo Switch (OLED model) - Announcement Trailer
Guilty Gear -Strive- Opening Movie
Unlock Ballistic Knife on zombies
No spoilers please I haven’t finished the game yet
After over a year or something close to that, I have only found 1 Lileep... any tips to find more?
Any suggestions on completing this task? Been stuck on it for a while now.