How about still spending money but towards creators?
How to Bulk Export all of your iCloud Notes from Apple
How to stop feeling distant when my partner is away
Women turning into red flags in healthy relationships
The urge to give up on my vaginal health is so strong
The Emperor
Curious - What's the most introverted thing you've done (to avoid people)
People who went from outright extroverted personality to introversion, what changed?
I feel invaded in my own house
Can I totally remove/delete Safari?
[method] 7 Years Worth of Discipline Notes on One PDF.
Les chars sont rendus trop chers, que pensez-vous des vélos électriques, surtout l'hiver?
[Need Advice] 27M, wasted the last 10 years of my life, need help.
Taxes impayées : des centaines de propriétés menacées d’être mises aux enchères à Québec
How do I take advantage of my fortunate situation, and what would you do?
Cartes de crédit points de voyage ou retour en argent?
Pro-life of Reddit, what should we do with the unwanted children that would otherwise be aborted?
How do you establish a career when you don’t have a passion for anything in the “real world”?
Les surenchères n'arrêtent pas
What was your biggest money-wasted/regretted purchase?
Mega Thread for those who are freaking out about Potential Recession and Increasing Interest Rates
No good options left - Locking in our mortgage today means my family will have to eat $600 into our savings every month for 4 years - do we do it?
Am I abusive?
How can people treat others like shit when they have feelings for them?
Good markdown viewer in terminal ?