I’m in the midst of a divorce and heartbroken waiting to take my sweet girl home. Here’s my Lucy Belle. She’s finally coming home with me next weekend!
Happy V Day, folks. I still remember his youth conference sermon and how confused it made me 😂
Swear to G-d Paul is on the treadmill in front of me...
Um, I thought secular music was bad. Especially if it was about sex? I guess it doesn’t matter if it’ll gel your reels reach other audiences who don’t know how hideous you both are.
David Foster Cringiness
Morgan shared her response to some comments on her new reel.
What’s the worst thing each Cooper Gang member has done? Let’s start with the man himself, Sly Cooper.
Morgan teaching her toddler things “god hates”
What is something not socially acceptable that you really want?
The (definitely not white-washed) Collins Kids /s
What is the minimum to go “pro” in pickleball?
Was i being groomed?
Fundie Superlatives Day 7: Who is most likely to never change a diaper?
Queen of vague
What's going to happen when the Bus Childern are old enough to move out?
Worst weddings you’ve been to and what happened?
Academy of Rodriquez
Baby Judah’s arrival is confirmed
Brittney Lott aka MotherBus holding her child by his neck
Hadn’t seen this posted yet
BDawn’s history w animals infographic (tw: animal abuse)
Dear Lord, why?? This bitch doesn’t need more living things
Sheana makes me sick