Why did Elon Musk just say Trump wants to bring two stranded astronauts home?
Bummed about In the Woods (Silo Stories short stories spoilers)
r/SpaceXLounge right now.
Le shítpost
It was all staged
MFW Musk leads the best space company just to singlehandedly ruin it's image and space travel as a whole.
Is AOC a Nazi?
This sub rn
Trust the process (new subreddit banner?)
Why would he do this 😭😭😭 Get him away from politics please 😭😭😭😭😭
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
He is such a hero.
I'm done with that stupid ass game
r/SpaceX Flight 7 Official Launch Discussion & Updates Thread!
Good news, no evidence of flap hinge reentry burn through.
This was the plan all along.
One of the Heat-Shield-Tiles is flapping in the Ascent
Could not help but notice this thing flapping around.
Starship V2 is so improved, it can have flap hinge reentry burn-through without even needing reentry
My 2 cents on why Ship 33 failed
Poor Wording or Bad Journalism?
(Alleged) Photo of the Flight 6 payload bay during reentry
Starship Development Thread #59
IFT-6: Inside the payload bay.
Another day, another LEAKED Starship internal view during reentry.