Converted box-nought
A band I think everyone should know about if you don’t already 😮💨😮💨
Am I crazy or is this the highest the resolution goes?
This hast to be one of if not the best battle reports I’ve ever seen
Crab daddy done
Anyone know how this happened?
A-wall main get a taste of their own medicine
So sounds like the Stormlord is finally doing battle against the King
My second dreadnought trio - representing the Alpha Legion, Tome Keepers, and Minotaurs.
Does anyone know where I can buy a helmet like this for my SOH? Thanks
My Ultramarines Castra Ferrum Dreadnought
New Libby is very cool. But I kinda miss that all the mask and tubes from the 2nd edition one.
Around midway through February, I decided to get into Warhammer. After eight months I thought that I'd share my progress in painting so far
What do you think of the scale change between old and new Horus
Death Guard Tactical Squad!
Here's my take on a Crimson Fist Space Marine
What are your thoughts, is this ok for a WE rampager or 2 chaosy ?
What album would be playing in the background during the Siege of Terra?
Trying to decide on a color scheme and am a lil bit torn when it comes to the shoulder pads. which one should I use?
13th legion speed paint test. C&C much appreciated
Latest model. Slowly getting the hang of this blending method. Now it’s just a matter of doing it on a massive tank and walker.
Rogue Trader crimson fist sergeant
Was asked for an update on my Flayed One
Decided to make a medicae though I’m not sure what legion I am going to go for yet
new dark angels heads and shoulder pads