With Respawn showing interest in a Titanfall collab, I put together a warbond concept. Let me know what y’all think
Some of us fight for Super Earth after all...
PATCH LAS-17 and GP-31 Changes
Exclusive look at High Command issuing the new warbond:
Thoughts on the crossbow?
What is a gun you have a love / hate relationship with
RR underrated against Squids
Why Super Earth is destined to CANONICALLY lose the Second Galactic War.
JAR-5 Dominator SFX
Genuinely fuck this thing
New Weapon Idea: LAS-9 Machete
So, how DO you feel about ragdolling?
Happy Patch Day, Helldivers!
Wishlist for the Future?
new orochi skin
I saw someone else do this so I decided to make a few more cape ideas when we save the kids
When you’re trying to hit the word count…
I can take them...
My bets on who will receive skins this year
I want to know what do people find fun about this unit gameplay wise?
Can't load any saves Ps5
Main characters in FromSoft games
Think I play to much pot lol