PSA: ORISON IS BROKEN. DO NOT LOG OUT AT ORISON! You will get a 32212245477 error at launch
Why did these drones go away, and why did they never come back?
Looking for Online Co-Op Space Piloting Games
Will AMD miss it again?
jump gate camping is not PVP
First Soulslike I’ve enjoyed
Elden Ring player with 1000 hours, now tryin DS3 for the first time, how cooked am I?
My boyfriend looked down on this game and i feel different..
Which Soulsborne Game Next? Lords of the Fallen?
Yall mfs have been way too negative lately, so get hit with some agenda
This fighter meta is getting stale quick and the playercount shows it.
Who is TRULY harder?
Elden Ring is the best GOTY Winner of the last decade?
Should I give the game a try?
Why do people hate on the Fallen Knight set so much?
Elden Mid bad gimmie upvotes
I’m scared to renew in 2026🙃
Profits over people.
How good is Lords of the Fallen in 2025?
Juicy loot after ambushing a team at PYAM 0-1
And here I was thinking this was actually one of the best QoL improvements we've gotten in a while...
yo this trade just went down in my league— obvious collusion so we sentenced the gibbs side to life in prison, and the guy with the picks is currently being hung by his toenails until he pays his dues for the 3 years
How do you rank these mechanics from least to most effective in encouraging you to be more aggressive in combat?
Elite Dangerous is such a better game and the rumors for 2025 updates are looking amazing.