If there were a Mount Rushmore for all-time most annoying celebrities, who would make the cut?
What singer’s or musician’s death have you still not gotten over?
What get-rich-quick scheme didn’t exactly work out for you?
What song breaks your heart every time you hear it?
What candy sucks ass?
What’s a skill that’s under-appreciated?
What song was ruined for you by being used in a commercial?
What’s the lamest thing you were afraid of as a kid?
Which vacation destination didn’t live up to your expectations when you actually visited?
What’s the weirdest thing you ever Googled?
If there were a moral to your life story, what would it be?
What’s a song you used to hate but now love?
What’s something that should be free but isn’t?
If you could invent one new word, what would it be and what would it mean?
What’s something you like that your friends or family would be mortified if they actually knew you liked it?
What do you refuse to pay extra for?
Which band or musician sold their integrity for commercial success?
Meatloaf sang “I would do anything for love but I won’t do that.” What won’t you do for love?
Please help! This has kept me up all night.
What are some drops you want to see?
I have 2500 gems and want to get a secret rare marvel comic. If you have to choose one comic which would you choose? Which would be the most valuable?
Which one to buy?!
What food dish makes you gag?
What are you faking until you make it?
What’s the most unexpected thing about how your life has turned out so far?