Pulled the trigger on the ‘99 TJ!
Am I getting a good deal? ‘99 TJ
[FL][All]HOA is starting a $3.9M roofing project in 2 days but refuses to share project cost breakdown. Homeowners are to pay $13k each but could increase. What can we do to halt the project?
[FL]HOA is starting a $3.9M roofing project in 2 days but refuses to share project cost breakdown. Homeowners are to pay $12.5k each but could increase. What can we do to halt the project?
Aiming to build a PC with similar specs as the 4070 iBUYPOWER Y40 for cheaper. Possible?
Can I clean the coil myself? How would I go about it?
How do I clean my drain line from the inside?
Why do people try to form a false narrative that Part 2 was a commercial failure?
How long are shipping times now?
Very loud humming on outside unit, but fan not working
Convince me that detecting a Chinese spy balloon in the US airspace is not an act of war.
Notice from GoRetroid !!!
Neil explains why some of the things in the game were changed in the show
WCGR serving a flammable drink
‘I’ll go to work until they escort me out’: NY nurse says no to vaccine as mandate takes effect
AITA for inviting my sister to live with me across the country after my parents tried to charge her rent at 18?
Biden will withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by Sept. 11, 2021
This is the best tyoe if justice
Love always wins
couldn’t have gone worse if you tried
What are those
This lamp I came across while browsing an antique shop.
Damn straight..
What is a cost effective online dashboard alternative to excel?
Can’t imagine how hard ND has it right now after putting out such a failure of a game.