Why did this leave?
TOP ABC’s - What is C?
Why do I feel like I'm being judged? Has anyone else noticed this in the game?
“It’s blasphemy”
Which band or singer has many songs that always sound the same?
I am so frustrated I could literally delete the game
For me Christmas saves the year
You’re Tyler Joseph for one day, what are you doing?
What apps do you use to check your partner’s activity?
Help me choose the next design!
I have a problem and my wife is an enabler...
What line did this for you?
New friendship necklace at HotTopic
What was your first impression of my work?
Which song is it?
Can you believe they still want $20 for COD Ghosts?
What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
Icy Tour vs Takeover Tour?
How did you find this sub?
Where were you in life when you found Mel? I was in middle school I’m pretty sure & everyone though it was weird asf in high school
What Would You Call This Painting - if you had to name it ?
Best TØP Songs to play at these places: Day 6 - Bed
Comment like you don’t know who she is!
verde story