Thoughts on the styling? too much for women?
is this too much for women?
19 what haircut should I get to fix my look + should I lose more weight
Almost a year of being single (F29)
Is this dress too formal for a casual dinner?
rate me i want advice
27M, any point in starting fina?
Am I cooked?
Am I Balding? 17M
Needles Track Pants from NO PHONE
Is this legit??
my gf broke up with me so roast me
what's making me look too old at 19? people always guess mid 20s
Weekly Legit Check Thread
Thoughts on this Seiko Watch?
Gf won’t leave apartment with me because of my fit
I wore this out and was told that I “dress like a nun.”
Drop your lock screen
Am i ugly? If so what can I change 17F
I am lost. What is a degree for uni that would best fit my interests?
What degree would best fit in my interests? - Need Advice! 17M
What makes me unattractive just be brutalt honest, on what i can objectivly improve.
What are these hairs around my hairline? (M22)
It's crazy how you just part ways with people forever naturally
I use Chatgpt as a therapist