Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Russo Japanese War but it's not fought in Russia or Japan
New year holiday shows how good Taipei could be without cars and scooters everywhere
Average Liberty Fan
How do you say 鍋燒意麵in English?
The Nazi didn't cared about the Ustase war crimes, what they didn't like was rerouting ressources to fight Partisans.
Arab slave trade, 6-10 million black africans moved to the Arab world
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Map
They’d rather disobey their god than surrender
The Barbary slave trade in which Europeans were abducted and sold into slavery from as far afield as Iceland and Ireland
Why are the Shang and Zhou civilisations so different?
The Versaille Treaty was good, actually
When the copium hits just right
Pirate Bay's 100 Top Ebooks
POV: you’re playing history trivia
The USSR and its satellites were quite far from being a utopia, or even from being good states.
"The United Kingdom will fight France to the last Austrian"
Imagine being so bad the whole world essentially unites against you to kick your ass
By-elections in the UK used to be something else
Spinoza explaining enemies to lovers
Is this a telephone scam?
Ethnic composition of Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth compared with borders of Interwar and modern Poland
Books with a long view of Chinese history?