Any suggestions for this logo?
Who Is The Greatest Musical Duo Of All Time In Your Opinion?
Just checked in to my hotel for the night and it looks like someone left their sock.
A logo I've designed for the first time ever, for an upcoming app I'm planning to launch. Critiques?
The lost boys: how a generation of young men fell behind women on pay
What does the British film industry need to do to compete with Hollywood, and stop talent moving to America?
ELI5: Why can’t anyone get Zelenskyy’s name right?
Is there a UK or European alternative to Amazon?
Tell me something and I’ll give you a song I like
Can I use a pass card to apply for a provisional?
What is a good “Bottle” movie?
What is your favourite appearance by an actor in a music video?
Why is my cat shaped so weird
Movies that will send you into rabbit holes on reddit?
Looking for the best use of a bell or bells in a song 🔔
saddest songs of all time
Give me your favorite song you discovered this year
What song reminds you of the old internet?
Sorry if this has been posted before but I couldn’t believe the size of this statue when it appeared in Carlisle
Need Feedback and Suggestions!
I'm going to a rage room tomorrow, what songs should be on my playlist?
Thriller Novel Cover
Went on a Roxy Music/ Bryan Ferry rabbit hole. What’s your fav?
HMO vs Renting the whole House What's better?
So, doing this as well in another subreddit, but make a playlist based off my cat