Renato Paiva
É galera, foi bom enquanto durou.
A reação do John Textor ao segundo gol do Racing - Recopa Sul Americana 2025
Botafogo acerta contratação do técnico Renato Paiva
Já passou da hora de protestamos ou ainda vamos esperar?
Dia nº 50 sem técnico
Eu sinceramente quero o Textor fora do Botafogo
Uma Curiosidade sobre Gramados Sintéticos.
Saw someone make this template and wanted to give my take on it. Some of these I would think are pretty agreeable, others not so much. What do y'all think?
My roblox account is 10 years old! We're all getting old
They would be blown away by my superior intellect
Animation error I noticed in the the pink purloiner. A door that leads to another door
SpongeBob eating apple
E vai se desenvolvendo outra novela !!
Don't remember where I found this but it still makes me laugh LOL
Worth wasting 1k hours in my opinion
what's your honest opinion on murder mystery 2
Some season 1 cels. I know most here are already aware but I really can't get over how season was fully hand-drawn and painted!
Lemme guess ur ethnicity based off your avatar
Post a Spongebob picture that perfectly captures your 2025 so far
Aceitariam o Castro de volta?
What is Patrick looking at? (Dark, disturbing answers only)